Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mission decision!

I'm not really sure how to start these things, but here we go! I decided to do my first blog post on why I decided to serve a mission! I will be honest I have NEVER wanted to go on a mission and I mean never. It was just something I never wanted to do or had the desrire to do. So imagine my surprise when a few months ago I was sitting in institute and I just had this strong feeling to go on a mission, well I got that thought out of my head as fast as it came! then a few weeks later it just kept coming to my head so I caved and decided to give it an earnest prayer. I did and nothing happened. I thought I was off the hook, than about a month or so later I had a strong feeling to make an appointment with the bishop that afternoon wasn't sure why but I went for it. As I was sitting in relief society that afternoon, I got this overwhelming feeling that the lord wanted me to go on a mission, then the teacher announced the lesson was on missionary work...so that was the asnwer I got I needed to go. I got the paper work done in a couple weeks, and submitted them! it was the most nerve racking decison of my life! I had honestly felt every emotion in the world. I was nervous! than as that white envelope was in my hands it finally felt real. That's when the excitement came! I was called to Irvine California! which is my dream place so that was a relief! I thought for sure I was going to to to Idaho- not that I have anything against Idaho just not where I wanted to go haha! it's been crazy! I went through the temple a few weeks ago and honestly my testimony just got deeper going through. I'm happier. This gospel has changed my life. I'm not near the person I was a year ago.I promise I am the last person anyone even me would expect to go on a mission, but that's what change is all about!  I'm truly grateful for the gospel and the atonement. To me the gospel is all about change. I had a change of heart, I got my own testimony. I have never known such happiness in my life than the gospel. If I can teach one person this amazing message and they feel the joy I feel from it then it will be all worth it. I'm sad and scared to leave the life I love behind, but I know it's where i'm suppose to be. why I don't know yet but I will.:)

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